Author Archives: admin

Thailand Cultural Center

The competition demands for a siting of a new set of programs adjacent to the existing cultural center.  New programs include a theater, small auditoriums, a library, an art gallery, an exhibition space, as well as offices.  The new center will accommodate all types of artistic works and activities – from concerts to sculptures, and […]

Resort Residence Khao Yai

Locating on a steep slope in the lush province of Saraburi, the house attempts to integrate itself into the landscape, mimics the gradient of the contours.  Four horizontal ‘tubes’ intertwine to create a series of superimposed spaces for different programs.  The building offers two types of views – a southern panoramic view from the living […]


The thesis is about adaptation in architecture.  Adaptation in this case refers not only to the technical aspects of building but more so towards the sociological and contextual facets of the term. Architecture has always had to adapt to the changing context, whether it was during the Roman time or Modernism, but considering the contemporary […]

XXX: XTreme Houses for Xtreme People in Xtreme Climates

This secret house of an oracle manifests itself in the densest, most congested area of the city.  It gains its anonymity through hiding itself at the center of a  street block in the form of a garden.  One has to traverse specific sequences to reach this oasis.  The building itself takes up the leftover spaces […]

Finger Lakes Winery

Seeing the similarities between the works of Paul Klee and the aerial patterns of agricultural landscape, this project uses Klee’s paintings as a basis of studying the relationship amongst these recurring patterns.  It attempts to demonstrate the infinite continuity of the fields.  The buildings weave themselves among the landscape, blurring the boundaries between the indoor […]

Motel Motel

Motel Motel is located between the main street of Seaside Heights and the boardwalk.  It functions as both a hotel and a public  throughway to the beach.  The notion of the public in this case is considered as an ‘intruder’  – its circulation disrupts the spatial configuration of what otherwise would be a generic motel […]

Kinetic Imprints

Architecture governs the relationship between the viewer and the dancer – it mediates, obstructs, and unites the two participants.  The promenade of the performance is constructed in such ways that the choreography is never fully realized and understood until both the audience and the dancer have moved through the whole sequence of space.  Their circulation […]

Public Exhibition Center + Post Office

The concept of this post office/public exhibition center is inspired by the analysis of the Danteum by Giuseppe Terragni – an introspective building which holds a symbolic significance as well as public functions.  The post office serves to represent the role of the USPS as an agent for informational exchange.  The public exhibition center also […]

Miniature Golf Course – Sequential Putting Surfaces

This project is located on the East side of Cayuga lake, between a road and the water; a site with a diversity of topographical conditions, from level ground and water to steeply sloped rock walls.  The miniature golf course consists of nine holes, carefully sited, with particular importance placed upon the choreography of sequences traced […]

Earthly Operations: ‘To Insert’

The symbiotic relationship of a structure to its context is the subject of this exercise.  The operation, ‘to insert’ is demonstrated through the siting of a 4”x6 1/2” surface within a site of fixed dimensions.  The 4”x6 1/2” surface was once part of the ground (hence the homogeneous choice of material).  Now that it has […]