Issara Condominium
Trying to overcome the inherent genericity of a residential cell in a typical high-rise multiple unit condominium, our team studied the potential of randomizing the room layouts as well as their exterior facades in order to individualize the units to better suit the residents’ variety of lifestyles and to increase the sense of personal ownership. We investigated ways in which one could create a randomization yet maintains a consistent and straightforward layout so that the engineering and mechanical systems could be kept simplified. This was achieved by creating modular-unit room plans which can be located freely on a gridded floor plate. The mechanical shafts are kept along the gridded framework, consistent throughout the altitude of the building. Each type of room plan is based on a single, double, triple or quadruple modules, fitted perfectly onto the gridded plan. This allowed us to create endless permutations of floor plans ranging from one that has 28 apartments to one that only has 2. Another unique feature which adds the character to this project is the varying depths of the units – there are two room depths – 7 meters for one-bedroom and two-bedroom units, and 9 meters for studio and three bedroom units, the adjacency of these two depths along with the permutations of the floor plans create the highly inconsistent facades – receding in and out of the main structures. Moreover, the extra 2 meter protrusions of the studios and the 3-bedrooms also create extra terrace space for the units above.
Contextually, there are many constraints on this site – the stringent setback limits, the irregular site plan, and also a high demand for the saleable floor area. Our team has chosen a slender high-rise to solve these problems, which is effective in terms of meeting the maximum saleable floor area requirement as well as leaving ample ground space for recreational park and landscaping. Aside from this, the mechanical system design also tries to minimize the ceiling depth, streamlining areas allocated for duct works and mechanical systems.
From studying the surrounding context which mostly consists of low-rise residential and retail, we decided to maintain a ‘green’ space around the building of up to 62.5% of the ground area, creating a lush park for the residents. The downstairs lobby of the building was also designed to mimic the height of the surrounding buildings and to take advantage of the natural through ventilation. The building is oriented along the north-south axis which minimizes the shadows being cast onto the surrounding areas. The large openings in every unit reduce the use of artificial lighting and ventilation. The use of lighting control system also reduces the waste of unnecessary energy usage. The straightforwardness of the engineering works – both structurally and mechanically, allows the complex variety of floor plans to exist in a very simple, efficient, and economical systematic framework.
2006-2011 / With Duangrit Bunnag Architect Limited
Some photos courtesy of DBALP and C.I.N. Estate Co.,Ltd.